The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1 NKJV
I had an aunt that used to say, "how do you know, that you know, that you know?"
Basically, what she was asking was, "how do I know for sure, without an iota of
doubt, that this is true"? Reading God's Word and His promises daily gives us
the confidence we need to cast our cares on Him and find refuge in His presence.
When you made the decision to accept Christ as your savior, in that instant, you
also supernaturally changed who is fighting your battles. No longer are you
alone, now you have the power of Christ to protect you. And long before you
accepted Christ, He was there. In Psalm 139, David says " where can I go from
your spirit? If I ascend into heaven you are there, if I make my bed in hell, you are there also...
"Even there you hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me".
Contemplate: Think back to a time when you were not sure whether you were going to overcome a challenge or survive a situation. How did that make you feel? Afraid? Alone? Helpless? Defeated? And how did you feel when you were victorious? Was your faith strengthened? Scripture: Psalm 27 says, "The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?" When you meditate on this scripture and put it in perspective, is there anything or anyone who can compete with God? Romans 8:38 and 39 explains succinctly how wide, deep, and powerful God's love is for us.
When you have someone who loves you this much, how can you doubt anything He says?
A great practice for building your confidence is to remember and praise. Remember all
that He has brought you through, remember how He delivered you, remember how He
made a way when you didn't know what to do, and remember that He alone is God.
Praise Him for the accomplishments, the favor, the battles won, and the
resources He provided. If you like to write or journal, this is a great way to
capture your thoughts. Going back later and reading your account of how God
delivered you will encourage you every time you read it.
Father God, thank you for helping me to see that ultimately you are in control
of all things. Give me the ability to cast my cares on you and to trust you.
Help me to NOT lean on my own understanding but on the One who understands all.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
What a wonderful reminder of God's powerful love for us! And through that love we can be secure and walk in confidence. Thanks!