Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Grace to Overcome - Trials and Tribulations

We Are More Than Conquerors!

As Christian Women, we sometimes forget that each of us is a work in progress. There will never be the "Ultimate Christian" and there is no graduation for us until Christ returns. Even then, He will test what we have done with this gift of life that He has given us.

This past week, a group of us discussed the personal trials that we are currently facing. As we all shared what was on our hearts, the Lord allowed us to see that there were many commonalities and patterns in what we were experiencing. In Matthew 18:20, He said, where 2 or 3 are gathered in His Name, there He is, and Wow, did He give us revelation!

Continue reading to see if there are any nuggets of wisdom for you:

First, if you have accepted Christ, you are more than a conqueror! Look at the pattern in your life - you were built and are equipped for the very challenge you are facing. God uses every situation and circumstance to prepare us for victory. We may waste His time but He does not waste ours! Romans 8:37

Submit and allow God to use you through this process. He is ultimately in control, all things are under his feet and nothing catches Him by surprise. Stop trying to take charge; ask the Holy Spirit to help you in this area. This is the only way you will start to know His will for your life. Romans 12:2

Know that you are not perfect and He will change you through this. This is a good thing! Renew your mind and focus on the things of the spirit. Romans 12:2

We have a tendency to want what others have, not accepting the gift that God has given us. Even if others have criticized you in the past, exercise your gift with cheerfulness, bringing glory to our Father in Heaven. Romans 12:6-8

Prayer should be the first resort and not the last. Some people say "well all I can do now is pray..." Christ made it a priority to stay in prayer, this should always be the first step! Paul said to pray without ceasing - pray continually about all things. 1Thessalonians 5:17

When you are facing a situation, don't let your prayers be fleeting. Find a scripture that speaks to your challenge and stay on it. Fast from media, friends, food, Whatever you need to do to get revelation. Lean not on your own understanding but on the one who can deliver you. Proverbs 3:5-6

Christ is always there with you whether you feel it or not. NOTHING can separate us from the love of God. Romans 8:38-39 Find a Church and small group to share your burdens and gifts. We have to encourage each other to fight the good fight of faith. 1Timothy 6:12 Christ did not say we wouldn't have trials and tribulations, but what He did say was that He will be with us through it! John 16:33

Here are other scriptures that will help you through this time:
I know the plans I have for you. It is to give you a future and a hope.

His Grace is sufficient for me. His power is made perfect in weakness.

If God be for us, then who can be against us?

God comforts us in our tribulation so that we may be able to comfort others.

Do not lose heart. For our light affliction, which is only for a "moment" (compared to eternity) do not focus on the things that are seen, because those things are temporary. The things that are unseen are eternal.

If you would like prayer, please email us at
You can always visit our small group in person on Sundays, please see the website for details. 

We would love to hear from you!

Be blessed and stay strong in Christ!

Women of Grace Member
Community Bible Church

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